Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I Just Want to Write.

I feel like I keep writing about the same thing. But, that’s what I love about writing. It allows me to express my thoughts in a clear and decisive manner.

All of these blog posts are just philosophical jargon that comes to mind, and I just type without hesitation.

I want to write about something interesting; something that is relevant to me. I want to put forth my own opinions and ask my own questions. But, I want to do that to the reader, not any one else.

Finding random things to write about in order for an assignment (including getting people’s opinions about a certain subject – which I couldn't care less about) can be somewhat grueling, especially with a hectic schedule.

However, as the British would say, one must Keep Calm and Carry On – something I plan to do.

As long as I can orate a valuable story through effective orchestration of words and writing styles, I will feel successful and deemed worthy as a verbal communicator.

But, then again, I just like to speak in verbose and eloquent styles; Putting my $20,000 per year education to good use is better than talking down to readers in “stupid” talk at a seventh grade level; what is American news trying to do? Dissuade citizens from getting an education and sticking to grammar school education? No thanks.

And, with this, my pointless and ranting anecdote concludes. Good evening to all.

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